Gergely Jancsikity's profile

Fuerteventura: Calderon Hondo

What a fantastic day! I had previously stayed in Corralejo but booked a room in a village called Villaverde for one night so I could spend a day hiking more on the inside of the island. My host, a lovely lady, turns out works in Corralejo and offered to pick me up by car and take me to Villaverde after her morning shift. So by noon I was ready to hit the dirt tracks of Fuerteventura with my camera, a bottle of water and some snacks. It was scorching hot, some of the small bushes released a lovely scent and at times I haven't met a soul for an hour or two. When I got nearer the volcano Calderon Hondo, the scenery started to turn completely surreal with all the different rock formations and it felt like being on a different planet. On the top of the mountain, as in the rim of the crater I've met some cute squirrels and as I was looking around I started hearing something between a deep moan and a scream. I looked around but saw nothing. Then again. As I was scanning the inside of the crater with my eyes I spotted a young guy climbing up the steep slope, while further up a girl was edging her way down as if trying to reach him to give him a hand. I figured he must have slipped and slid down deep inside the crater. Finally they met near the top and even from as far away as I was from them I could tell by their embrace they'd thought they might never hold each other again. But it ended well (later as I was editing the photos I spotted him climbing up in one of them as I zoomed right in... I wonder if you can stop him too). I walked back to Villaverde a different route which wasn't any less scenic than the way to the volcano, especially at golden hour and at and after sunset.
Fuerteventura: Calderon Hondo


Fuerteventura: Calderon Hondo
