Aldina Widyaningrat's profile

Allianz - Customer Day Campaign

Allianz wants to create campaign in the Customer's Day that connects Allianz brand value and consumer insight. 

The brand value: Allianz always value their customer more. Hence, Allianz always provide the best products and protection for their customers.
Consumer insight: People are always strives to give the best for their loved ones. We need to appreciate them for this sincerity.
We want to portray Allianz as a brand that truly values customers. 
By showing our gratitude towards our customers for giving the best for themselves and their family.
Sample Key Visual
We want to encourage public audience to express their gratitude toward those who have given the best for their family.
Sample Template for Digital Activity 
and Sample Submissions
Allianz - Customer Day Campaign


Allianz - Customer Day Campaign
