Mickey Mullin's profile

Mea Culpa: Ace Attorney Fan Zine

Project Title: Mea Culpa

Brand: Mea Culpa (Latin for "through my fault") is a pay-what-you-want non-profit digital zine exploring the potential bad endings of the Ace Attorney franchise.

Disclaimer: Mea Culpa is an unofficial fanzine and is in no way affiliated with Capcom Co. Ltd, Shu Takumi, or the official Ace Attorney creative team.

Design Code:

I decided on a mix of blues with saturated reds and pinks for a feeling of distress. The theme is bad endings to a game in which a bad ending could be fatal, ranging from a state sanctioned execution to being murdered by a suspect who wasn't caught, thus a feeling of distress seemed fitting. The fonts chosen add to the distressing feel with bold lines, and a display font for the title that adds a gothic feel. 
Every graphic should follow the design code below to stick to the Mea Culpa brand identity. The icon besides it being the cohesive icon for the brand used on every social media platform, as well as the zine's email. The broken magatama can be used as a logo mark along with the text logo featuring the zine title on the banner above. One or both should be featured on every design so it can be easily recognized as a part of the Mea Culpa zine.
Design Assets:

These design assets are created to highlight the zine's theme of potential bad endings in Ace Attorney & add to the announcement graphics to make them more eye catching. The splatter and dust texture are featured in every graphic, and the colors may be changed as long as the color is still featured in the main color palette. Graphics are accompanied by an illustration which may be adjusted in size to fit the graphic. These illustrations may be reused in multiple graphics, and are each created with colored line art and also follow the main color scheme. Not every illustration asset used int the project is shown below.
Social Media:

Social media is run by the combined effort of the team following my design guidelines. Team information can be found on the team spotlight graphics & all the necessary links can be found below.
Announcement Graphics:

Social media posts announcements should be accompanied by an eye catching illustration asset, giving necessary information the post provides. Every social media is provided with the same graphics for post, the square format being the most reliable as a cross platform graphic shape. 

Examples of several social media announcement graphics can be found below, as well as on our social medias with the accompanying information. 
Promotional Polls:

Promotional polls were included to keep the momentum alive, & encourage potential supporters/customers to continue interacting with the zines social media accounts. Some of these promotional polls included simple animations created in Adobe Aftereffects to further engage with its audience.
Interest Check:

This is a google form designed with a modified banner to ask a series of questions to garner what interest people may have in the zine project, what content they would like to see, the specs of the zine itself, and who they would like to see in it. Other google forms provided include art moderator applications & contributor applications: writer, merchandise artist, & page artist. Each form utilizes the same design format with a different banner. 
Team Spotlight Graphics:

The moderating team each has their own graphics which introduce us with our names, job positions, pronouns, social media links, and a 150 maximum word introductory biography. These not only introduce us on our zine's social media platforms, but highlight each of our personalities and roles within the project. 
Contributor Graphics:

With a large cast of contributors, I created a series of graphics for social media post which included each contributors unique icon, credit name, & role within the project. Contributors were also given individual spotlights akin to the teams spotlights, showing an example of their work, whether that talent be in creating art or writing. With a large team of contributors, not all contributor spotlights are exampled below.
Shop Graphics:

The shop went live for preorders between September 1 - September 30, as a pay-what-you-want, free optional zine on Gumroad. 100% of any profits generated being donated to the Transgender Law Center, the largest American transgender-led civil rights law organization in the United States. With a small donation, interested customers would receive not only the complete 150+ page zine, but a pack of digital merchandise also created by our team of contributors. The shop graphics are exampled below.
This is a work in progress board. This project is ongoing & will be edited as I create more graphics & eventually format the final project. In its final form, this will be a digital PDF "zine," or a combined digital booklet of written & illustrated fan works that align with Mea Culpa's theme.

This is for use only by the Mea Culpa zine team, and not for sale or reproduction. Mea Culpa is a non-profit zine, with all money donated going to a charity TBD. The characters used above are owned by Capcom, and this is a fan made passion project. If you would like a similar design for your own brand, please contact me for a freelance design commission. 
Mea Culpa: Ace Attorney Fan Zine


Mea Culpa: Ace Attorney Fan Zine

Mea Culpa (Latin for "through my fault") is a pay-what-you-want non-profit digital zine exploring the potential bad endings of the Ace Attorney f Read More
