Illustrating the concept of burnout was difficult. Many concepts and struggles lead to burnout, along with a mix of negative emotions and experiences. Examples include financial struggles, family trauma, mental illnesses, and an array of other struggles that plague the millennial experience. Having to represent all of those experiences and concepts is a humongous task. So this piece was made to take a broader representation of burnout, with a cartoonish match lit aflame to represent the viewer. Burnout isn't abrupt, it builds upon the victim's shoulders over time and leads to an extinguish of the spark that guides and motivates us. The work uses a rough inked look to mimic traditional art pieces and a textured background to mimic actual paper. This aged look is meant to show that burnout can happen to anyone, has happened to everyone, and will happen to everyone till the end of time. This message is also amplified by the inspiration of the "Evolution of Man" illustrations. It ties burnout to the idea of it being a process and a consistent human experience. 



Creative Fields