–––––  (Seats)
Exhibited in 
SDW2022 Emerge @ FIND
PDW2022 Nature of Things
Designed in collaboration with Christophe Gaubert
Project developed at NUS Design Incubation Centre
The Furmidable Seats series is a extension of the Furmidable project. 

The Design

Between domesticated animals and domestic products, between dogs and chairs, this collection of seats is a satire of the ostentatious artefacts endemic to the bourgeois habitat.

Dogs and chairs have more than four legs in common, a story of fur-niture that takes root in the XVIIIth. Long considered a tool used mainly for hunting, the dog gradually integrated into the human habitat: becoming a home animal and then a product of social status in our consumer society.

Dog grooming reflects these transitions, first going from a functional cut (short on the back to facilitate swimming and long in front to maintain heat) to a stately cut that has gradually defined breed standards, and finally drifting towards aesthetic criteria in the present day. This evolution has a clear parallel with furniture, which has moved from functionality to an element of social showcase, and then to an object of interior decoration.

The Furmidable Seats play with this living room pageantry, between grotesque and endearing forms, caricatures of superfluous objects inhabiting the domestic landscape. Each piece of furniture draws its inspiration from the grooming archetypes specific to purebred dogs, like poodle or terrier, with fabric made from their respective hair.

Komondor Stool
Poodle Armchair
Terrier Chair
Nature of Things Exhibition @ Paris Design Week 2022

School of Tomorrow Exhibition @ Singapore Design Week 2023:

Nature of Things Exhibition @ Bangkok Design Week 2024: 



Photography by Poh Yun Ru  &  Clarrisa Edeline Yu 
Photoshoot Location; 83 Braemar House by MONOCOT Studio

Furmidable Seats


Furmidable Seats
