Sam Hannis's profile

Kirin Ichi, The Ranger

You were part of another hero group to whom image was everything. It was a good gig but then things got weird. You’ve struck out on your own now. It’s just you, your mask and your freaking huge robot. You’re looking for a place to call your own, a way to knock the dust off your mech and maybe break out of the mold your old squad left you in.
Kirin Ichi, The Ranger
Real Name: Alex Brooks
Powers: Unusual Weapon and Magical Aptitude 
Born Alex Brooks, the aspiring hero joined the Four Gate Rangers not long after they awakened to their power. Given a powerful building sized Mech known as The Sage Engine and dubbed Wisteria Kirin, they helped protect the city and the Underrail against colossal foes and devious villains that slipped through the Three Pillars nets. Alex was zealous; eating, breathing and sleeping the Four Gate Rangers, giving up much of their identity to the team for the sake of their mission however it was not to last. Alex found themselves ousted and replaced. Now alone, they’ve appended their heroic name with their designation. The sole Kirin, Kirin Ichi! Never truly alone, Alex stole away with The Sage Engine and now serves their own justice while trying to find out who they really are outside their old team.
This character was designed for the third-party supplement made for Masks: A New Generation, made by five points games
Kirin Ichi, The Ranger


Kirin Ichi, The Ranger
