The idea to paint on t-shirts first came to me about eight years ago. I did a few shirts and later gave them away as presents to friends. As there were no people around me to share my enthusiasm, and as I had no idea of how many people would like to wear hand-painted clothes and whoever would buy them, it did not grow into a business at the time.

A few months ago, I presented another t-shirt to my friend Svenya, who said 'wow, why haven't you done this before'. And so now, we are a company of friends overtaken by the idea.

And so, we offer you a unique product - t-shirts with hand painting on them. None of the designs is ever repeated, and you can be sure that your t shirt is the only of its kind in the world! (Creating a new design for every shirt is somewhat difficult, yet great fun for me!) And I like to classify the style of these paintings as 'Hooligan Baroque'.

Right now, as I am typing this, I am thinking if what I offer is 'everyday clothing' or not. I believe it is. At least I hope that any MXBOND item you buy is loved, and that you like to wear it as often as possible. I have had beautiful things that I want to wear every day, no matter if there is a 'special occasion' or not. I create things that I would like to wear myself, but at the same time they are thing one cannot buy in a store. That is why I started MXBOND.



Painting on apparel.
