Andrea Dal Soglio's profile

Personal Project - Worldtimer

Personal Project

I was visualising this shot in my head for a while now, and I’ve finally got some spare time to do it as a personal project and to test my abilities and limits.

Because of all the white surfaces, the light of this shot wasn’t very easy to control. I used a main diffused light from the top, flagging out the background, then I used another light for the soft gradient on the background and then I used the optical snoot with a filter to give that “stripes” effect on the left side. This last light was optional but I wanted to give a more artistic and creative look to the image. I also used few reflectors (matte mirrors) to bounce the light. 

Shot at f/16 with a 100mm macro lens, I think it didn’t require focus stacking, also I wanted to keep a real feel in terms of depth etc.

I’m quite pleased with the result, even though my first idea was to capture the watch like was levitating… but let’s keep that idea for the next one. 

I hope you like the final image. I've included here below the raw image too. 
Below image: RAW file.
Personal Project - Worldtimer


Personal Project - Worldtimer
