ILLO Studio's profile

Introspectabilia — NFT collection

We created 10 loops on the neologisms we invented to represent and name emotions we often feel online, despite being unnamed yet.

We tried to extend our creative comfort zone using new tools, from Cavalry to Dall-E by Open AI. We also relied –in a significant way– on the use of specular 3D (mostly done in C4D), trying to master these new three-dimensional elements, quite unusual in our visual language, with 2D motion design, playing with shapes, gradients, outlines & some little gems of traditional animation. The resulting aesthetic is colorful and weird, where our usual playfulness becomes a bit more disenchanted towards the challenges that digital life imposes on us.
1) Notificanxious
/ Notifications + Anxious /
The feeling of nervousness caused by the constant perceived need of news and updates, only satisfied through the instant opening of every notification you receive. You’re addicted to the adrenaline that hits every time your phone lights up. You feel bad if you know there’s a junk email that still needs to be archived in your inbox.

2) Disconnectophobia 
/ Disconnect + Phobia /
The fear of getting lost (both physically and symbolically) and being socially excluded from a life-changing event in the absence of an Internet connection. What if your celebrity crush has just checked-in near you? What if your house smart alarm goes off? While you were offline, a new TikTok trend went viral. You don’t trust your orientation skills without Google Maps support. 
3) Pinterstellar
/ Pinterest + Interstellar /
Happily losing the sense of time when looking for inspiration online; the continuous sense of validation and satisfaction provided by an algorithm working perfectly.

4) Loopnosys 
/ Loop + Hypnosis /
Narrowing of consciousness, similar to day dreaming, induced by the sequential watching of video loops selected by an algorithm. The experiencer might feel the same emotions portrayed in the loop. When does it start, when does it end? Is the start the end, is the end the start? You gaze at that beautiful new looping gif and think — I’m loopnotized. ​​​​​​​
5) AI-gasm
/ AI + Eye + Orgasm /
The pleasurable release of neural tensions felt at the sight of AI-generated art. A sense of unexpected achievement and fascination towards an Artificial Intelligence. I'm blown away, how can an AI do that? In a world where anyone can type a prompt and generate art, Is AI-art really art?

6) Pingophobia
/ Ping + Phobia /

A feeling of fear and extreme overwhelmingness every time one’s devices pings or vibrates. You’re maniacally trying to avoid notifications & feel bad when you pull your phone out of your pocket. It can feel like an avalanche just hit you when you wake up in the morning to a screen full of little red dots.​​​​​​​
7) Bleah-ssed
/ Bleah + Blessed /
The sense of repulsion in watching fake life displayed on social networks. When you have to present your life in a “blessed” way and you puke rainbows, but you’re quite sad.

8) Metamazment 
/ Metaverse + Amazement /
The feeling of awe and perfection prompted by the brightness, vibrancy & calmness of Virtual Reality environments.
/ No Emoji For This Emotion/
The sense of inadequacy and speechlessness prompted by missing the right emoji to express one’s feeling during a chat conversation

10) Not-ivation
/ Not + Motivation/
The lack of eager to do anything beyond scrolling or watching, while experiencing a sense of nothingness for one’s own objectives.
* All artworks were turned into NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. The end of the NFT frenzy, combined with the recent Ethereum Merge that reduced the energy consumed by the system by 99.9%, led us to step into this game, interested in the potential new public that these platforms allow artists to reach.
Pinterstellar — Breakdown
AI-gasm — AI generated design ideas with DALL·E - OpenAI
AI-gasm — The final design and animation has been created with expressions in C4D through the generative randomness of 2 parameters
Pingophobia — Storyboard

Thanks for watching :)

Credits — Creative Direction Ilenia Notarangelo + Design Ilenia Notarangelo, Cristina Pasquale, Arianna Cristiano, Sofia Buti, Jorge Gallardo, Andrea Vago, Dall-e2 + Animation Matteo Ruffinengo, Riccardo Chiara, Marco De Vecchi, Miguel D'Errico, David Cubitt, Valerio Di Maio, Marco Oggero + Producer Daniel Ceballos + Sound Design Fabrizio Martini


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Introspectabilia — NFT collection


Introspectabilia — NFT collection

We created 10 loops on the neologisms we invented to represent and name emotions we often feel online, despite being unnamed yet. https://intros Read More
