U N  E X T R A Ñ O  E N E M I G O ,  A  S T O R Y  A B O U T  U S.

Mexico in the 70’s. The riots and conspiracies are directing the country to one of the darkest chapters in their history: El Halconazo. Un Extraño Enemigo Season 2 arrived at Prime Video to continue this epic narrative about mexican history.

That’s why the Legion, in collaboration with Prime Video and continuing with the successful campaign we created for season one, worked in a brand new 360 campaign that took over the public space and digital media with a key message: This story is inspired in our’s / Esta historia está inspirada en la nuestra*

To make this, we conceptualized, developed and created an original master graphic series and audiovisual pieces to advertise this expected premiere. 

Using billboards, underbridges, bus stations and walls, we crafted an OOH campaign greatest as the project as itself, taking as principal recourse the mexican social context and the character variety the season presents.

Likewise, we developed character reveals where we show our heroes and villains with their motivations and personalities in brief spots. All this using Bumper Ads, Hero Contents and Group Trailers to hook the audience in this second season.

With this great campaign, we consolidate a brand new conquest of the entertainment universe.

Agency: Archer Troy México
VP Creative: Miguel  Arciniega
General Creative Director:  Carlos Oxté 
Group Creative Director: Pablo Naval
Creative Direction: Pedro Molina | Abraham Esli
Copywriter: Aldo Jimenez | Juan Muciño
Art Direction & digital Retouching: Erik Guevara | Roberto Guzmán | Pedro Molina | Victor Lima
Producer: Emmanuel García 



El regreso de la serie que cimbró a todo un país. México en los 70s, las conspiraciones y los movimientos sociales se dirigían a otro de los epi Read More
