Ashley Reynolds's profile

Anne Frank Diary Redesign

Concept Statement
I chose to redesign the diary of Anne Frank, a
first-hand story depicting a young Jewish girl as she
struggles through the Nazi invasion and Holocaust
during World War II. I chose this style of narrative
because it is personal and impactful. It was my goal
to bring her voice through the layout and design of
the book through photographs, drawings, and supporting
colors/textures. To gain a more well-rounded
perspective I included quotes from historians
and Holocaust survivors along with the diary text.
The target audience is children between the ages of
thirteen and sixteen, and primarily females (because
they will be able to relate better to Anne Frank since
she was also a young girl).

Synopsis of Original Problems
The original text from Diary of a Young Girl was
plain, set type that was organized like any other novel
for any audience. The original text did not have
chapters or headings and did not include any visuals
besides a brief section in the middle three pages that
had small black and white photos. I wanted to make
Anne Frank’s words into more than just a generic
book, I wanted to represent the spirit of her story
in the form of a visual diary. By adding visuals and
colors, along with various text elements, I hoped to
make it more approachable for a young audience.
Handmade hardcover book cover
Dust Jacket, laid flat
French fold pages
Anne Frank Diary Redesign

Anne Frank Diary Redesign

Represented in a new light, the redesign of A Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank focuses on emphasizing the voice of its young, female author an Read More
