Laura Sliva's profile

NFL Tennessee Titans Magazine

The Tennessee Titans, wanted to create a visually compelling and impactful Community Impact Report that would showcase their efforts to serve and improve the local community. I had the opportunity to work with the Titans to design the reports for three consecutive years, starting in 2020.

The main objective of the Community Impact Report was to highlight the Titans' various initiatives and programs aimed at positively affecting the Nashville community. The report needed to convey the organization's commitment to philanthropy, volunteerism, and community development. Additionally, it should demonstrate the tangible results of these efforts, featuring stories, statistics, and images that bring the impact to life.

To achieve the desired outcome, I employed a clean, modern design approach that prioritized simplicity and ease of navigation. The report consists of several sections, each focusing on a specific aspect of the Titans' community involvement, such as education, health, and military appreciation. The layout allowed for ample white space, making the content easy to read and digest. One of the prominent design elements is the use of infographics, which help illustrate the scope and reach of the Titans' community initiatives. These visual representations break down complex data and provide a quick, engaging way to understand the impact of the team's efforts.

Client: Tennessee Titans
Deliverables: Print and web magazine

I'm available for new projects!

NFL Tennessee Titans Magazine


NFL Tennessee Titans Magazine
