Project lina[S] is an exhibition developed to Milan Design Week 2022, composing  Absolute Begginers Expo. Inspired by the topics that made part of Lina Bo Bardi's life, we constructed, in group, four manifest-curtains  for each main themes: decolonialism, Lina's unfinished works, brazilian plurality and  women nowadays
The first one, called "Decolonialism", treated about the way that foreign countries still look to Brazil: as a colony,  the samba and football country. Thinking about it, and respecting the continental dimension of Brazil, we wanted to bring the reality of students located in São Paulo and the culture present in our day a day.  We asked our colleagues and teachers to bring objects that are common  on their homes and also create some of them  in a workshop developed in university
The second one, called "Lina's unfinished works", was built by drawings on cristal PVC, based in  Lina's projects that stayed only in her imagination, mainly because people didn't believe on her for she being a woman.  We used her drawings and her portrait, giving the author's face to her work
The third one, called "Women nowadays", brings the struggles that Lina suffered on her time and still a reality today. For creating her, we asked real women that we have contact to talk about their life experiences and with these stories, we selected  the highlight quotes to laser cut on the  cotton fabric
Last but not least, the "Decolonialism" curtain evoques the urgency of us, as brazilians, stop seing ourselves as a colony  and only giving value to  the  North Globe countries. To represent this idea, we've draw the common world map in black and the inverted one in red, placing Brazil over the North. Also, to reforce this idea, we added the phrase that means "Work less, work everybody, produce the necessary, redistribute everything"

