Year 3012...
Tara is now 29 years old and she the Queen of "The scrappers" tribe. When you see her blank white eyes your first thought is that she is blind, reality is the oposite. She and the whole tribe have an advanced vision that allows them to see in the night and through objects. When the apocalypse began the ancestors of this tribe got stuck in the underground and have no access to light for hundreds of years, somehow they managed to survive and reproduce, but they got this mutation (rumor has it that they evolved into cannibals). They have this advanced mutation but don't have any technology however they find a way to reuse the scrap from the world before, and that's how they get the tribe name "The scrappers".
Tara's parents got killed when she was just a teenager and since then she is the Queen of this tribe. The road was difficult but she overcome every difficulty and now she is the most appreciated and feared Queen ever ruled this tribe.

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