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Raster Graphics Portfolio

                                                            Katelyn Wyatt

                                         Raster Graphics Class Assignments
      Film Slides Before and After Project
The objective for this  first project in Raster Graphics was to fill at least 25 of the empty slide frames and get familiar with the importance of selection, inverse, layer management, canvas size, and the text tool.
The required footer provided exposure to Image size vs Canvas size and how the megabytes of a file changes depending on resolution. 
The file of empty slide frames was provided by the instructor. I had the freedom to use my own images or find images to use. Which I found all my images that I used for this project instead of my own personal pictures. 
Key Objectives and Photoshop Tools Used:
Image size
Canvas size
Text tool
Rectangle tool
Paint bucket tool
Layer naming and management
Importing images into Photoshop
Scaling images in PROPORTION
Sizing an image based on specifications
Free transform feature
Selection tools (polygon lasso)
Inverse selection
Copy Write Statement:
The empty film slide file was provided by the instructor.The images that I found to put in the film slides were all from Unsplash by: Albert Dera, Bundo Kim, Casey Horner, Daniele Levis Pelusi, Erik Eastman, Ethan Hoover, Hugues Mimeure, Ivana Cajina, JJ Ying, Joel Filipe, Joshua Cowan x2, Joshua Sortino, Kyle Mills , Nick Karvounis, Niklas Tidbury, Ori Song, Rebe Adelaida, Redd W, Roman Kraft, Sergei A, Sorasak, Spencer Watson, Zdenek Klein, Johnny Caspari, and Ryan Klaus.
                   Layer Modes Project
The objective of this project was to explore the features and many styles that can be applied to content on an individual layer from the layer panel. The key components of this assignment require a textured background and a single image with a background. 
For the modes project with the flower I had to use different layer modes which changed the texture of the picture and the overall look. I had to change some of the opacity to show it as well. Also for that to work the picture had to have a white background for it to work to show the change and I did that 12 times to show the many options.
For the styles project I had to type up a word I chose cat and choose a color for it. Then for the projects I chose different effects for the word 12 times. ​​​​​​​
Key Objectives and Photoshop Tools Used:
​​​​​​​Acquire images free of copyright restrictions
Implement Layer management
Add images in the new canvas
Use the “option + drag” duplicate feature to create a grid of images
Scale images
Create and duplicate text boxes
Edit text
Apply layer modes
Manage layer visibility
Apply layer effects
Adjust layer effects settings
Text tool
Copy Write Statement: 

                       Filters Before and After
The objective for this project was to find a busy picture to show the many different filters in an image. The image had to be horizontal to fit on the canvas for the measurements. The first thing I had to do was to make 24 squares to show the different filters and how it effects just one image. I applied 24 different filter for each square in the single image I used. In each square I wrote the different filter I used.
Key Objectives and Photoshop Tools Used:
Turn "Rulers" on
Acquire images free of copyright restriction
Add image to the new canvas as "pixels" 
Scale images in proportion
Create a grid of ruler guides, every 2 inches 
Create a label 
Duplicate the label using option + drag or copy/paste
Used the rectangle marquee tool
Apply a filter
Text tool
Copy Write Statement:
The image used was found on Unsplash by Jakob Owens.
                     Pixel Basics Photo Project
The objective of this project is to scale images in the the canvas size to which it fits. The reason why is because when manufactures make frames it will only fit that size. So the image has to be the same as if it would fit into a frame so it will fit. Also for when printing your picture make sure it is set in RGB not CMYK because the image will only be able to print out in RGB. Most facilities will just reject CMYK. 
Key Objectives and Photoshop Tools Used:
Create a new canvas that matches the required image dimensions using the Photo template parameters
Scale the image in proportion to fit the canvas size
Add a text footer to the image that includes the before/after required information
Rectangle tool 
Color tool
Copy Write Statement:
All four images were provided by the instructor.
                 Selection Part 1 Project
The objective for this project is to use the images that were provided by the instructor and take a particular selection of that image. The selection tool has four different ways to do that. The four tools are called pen tool + paths window, object selection, quick selection, and magic wand option. For each image I used the four different tools on four of the different images. To see the many ways you can make a selection on an image. For each tool is different in how you use it and how it works. 
Personally I found the quick selection tool to be the easiest for me. The reason why is because you just click for what you are selected on the image. The hardest one to use was the pen tool + path window is because it was just hard to connect and turn the little dots. 
Key Objectives and Photoshop Tools Used:
Manage layer groups
Manage layer visibility
Apply the Magic Wand tool for selection 
Apply the Quick Selection tool for selection
Manipulate the brush size to make a precise selection
Apply the Object Select tool for selection
Apply the Pen Tool to create a path (pen tool + path window)
Use the Paths panel to convert the path to a selection
Inverse selection
Copy Write Statement:
All four images were provided by the instructor including the background.
                  Google Ad Words Campaign
The objective for this project is to make your on Google ad. Which I did that by making my own ad about jewelry and using all these images and fonts to accomplish that. First I made a logo with the tools. Next I make the 25% sign. Then I make what the ad is about with photos I found and organized it to look like an ad. 
Key objectives and photoshop tools used:
Text tool- choose fonts for ad.
Shape tool- create logo for the business.
Quick selection tool
Opacity level tool
Color bucket tool
Cropped tool
Copy Write Statement:
All photos found on Unsplash By Apex 360, Izzy Park, Quinten De Graaf, Kelly Sikkema, and Nicolas J Leclercq
The objective for this project is to change the person face with the filter liquify. As well as the owl and the handmade by also using the puppet effect on the hands. Which for those effects I did to use is by moving my mouse around the image to make swirls and warp the face. I also had the opportunity to change the text image as well to make it warp. For the puppet tool I made copies of the hand and change what the hand makes with different hand signs with the tool. 
Key objectives and photoshop tools used:
Open the Puppet Warp feature
Apply the Puppet Warp feature
Remove an image from the background
Open the Liquify filter
Apply the Liquify Face filter
Apply the Liquify > Forward Warp tool 
Apply the Liquify > Bloat tool
Convert a text layer to a smart object
Apply the Liquify tools to manipulate text
Text tool
Copy Write Statement:
All photos found on Unsplash by Aiony Haust, Ahmed Saeed, and Ahmed Badawy
                      Portrait Retouch
The objective for this project is to basically photoshop half of the image. For example like change her hair color or eye color and so on. Which I used new tools to do that to change the image to make it "better".
Key objectives and photoshop tools used:
I lightened her hair- color balance 
Made her lip color change- color balance
Made her teeth whiter-  color balance
Changed her eye color- color balance
Changed her face shape- liquify
Erased her smile line- spot healing 
Some neck lines erased- spot healing
Red dot she had near her eye erased- spot healing
Erased her necklace- spot healing
Made her lips slightly fuller- clone stamp tool
Also changed her skin color with the different- color balance tool and brightness 
Copy Write Statement:
Photos found on Unsplash by Artem Beliaikin
                      PS Actions
The objective for this project is to modify the original image by using Photoshop Action to change the effects of the the image. While also following the image size rules for each photo. So before I edit or put any effects on the image I first have to follow the social media image sizes then place the effects on each of the seven images.
Key objectives and photoshop tools used:
Open the Actions panel
I loaded a set of Actions
Apply uploaded Actions to an image
Create a set of new Actions
Adjust each of the settings to my liking
Copy Write Statement: 

                Copycat Magazine Ad
The objective for this project is to make a copy of the actual magazine page but make it a bit different. Which for me instead of an avocado I used a pear instead and tried to replica the font and logo as the same Magazine page. Basically for this assignment the goal was to make a copycat as the project assignment name is called aka Copycat Magazine Ad. 
Key objectives and photoshop tools used:
Text tool- to match the fonts and size of texts of tools
Paint bucket tool
Brush tool
Shape tool
Copy Write Statement:
All photos found on Unsplash by Tijana Drndarski, Monika Grabkowska, Esther Wechester, and Junior Ferreira, and magazine page provided by professor to copy.
                      Magazine Cover
The objective of this project was to make a magazine cover with hair that will cover the title of the magazine. The goal was to make that happen by the skills learned so far to accomplish that. While making the magazine look as realistic as possible.
Key objectives and photoshop tools used:
Text tool - to make titles and words on the cover.
Quick selection tool - the barcode. As well as selecting her hair to place over "Vogue".

Copy Write Statement:
                      Russell Brown 
The objective of this project was to make a costume for Russell Brown with the image of his face. The goal of this is to have Russell Brown in that costume you chose. Which for me was Katy Perry. The way I did that was to edit his face of Katy Perry's in a way that looks realistic you wouldn't know the difference. Without loosing Russell Brown losing his face structure when doing so. 
Key objectives and photoshop tools used:
Multiply tool
Lasso tool
Blur tool
Burn tool
Smudge tool
Spot healing brush tool 
Color brightness and contrast tool 
Clone stamp tool
Dodge tool 
Paint brush tool
Eraser tool 
Quick selection tool
Copy Write Statement:
Photo found/URL: https://twitter.com/statsperry/status/1371907852776931335
                         Tattoo Artist
The objective of this project was to put tattoos on person that didn't before. So the goal was to apply the tattoo's and wrap them around the person. To ultimately make the tattoos as realistic as possible. 
Key objectives and photoshop tools used:
Warp tool
Opacity tool
Eraser tool
Paint brush tool
Copy Write Statement:

                        Final Project
The objective of this project was to make a surreal image. The goal was to make one of my own by deciding which images to use to make that effect with different images. To create an interesting image that wouldn't actually happen. So with some editing skills and the choosing of images you can create that.
Key objectives and photoshop tools used:
Burn tool
Fill tool
Smudge tool
Brightness tool
Quick selection tool
Eraser tool
Spot healing brush tool
Dodge tool
Move tool
Sponge tool
Copy Write Statement:

Raster Graphics Portfolio

Raster Graphics Portfolio


Creative Fields