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Anti Drug Abuse Awareness Campaign

Every year an increased number of people die due to the overdoses of illicit drugs. From having 60,000 deaths in the year 1990, at present, there are over 128,000 deaths recorded every year. Out of the 128,000 people, it is alarming to note that 69% of that were younger than 50 years. Other than the above, there are close to 500,000 indirect deaths due to the use of illicit drugs. Here too, it is visible that 42% of the people are younger than 50 years. It is also best to note that both male and female parties suffer from this fate almost at the same percentages. 
Now the question is why? ..... A study shows the reasons why young people use illicit drugs. The most popular functions are as follows: Relax Being intoxicated Keep awake at night As a performance enhancer Mood fixer The above reasons predict a pattern of reliance on drugs. The younger population needs to be made aware of what these illicit drugs cause them to become and how they affect the ones most dear to them. The 500,000 indirect deaths should cause us to realize that it is not always overdosing that could be lethal to one’s life but the usage itself whether in small or large quantities. These deaths include Homicides, Suicides, Accidents, Falls, etc.
As we close in on another “International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking”, the idea is to raise awareness and communicate to the ones in need of help (users of illicit drugs) that they can rewrite their lives on a clear canvas. The slogan of this year “International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” is “Share Drug Facts, Save Lives.” Here the campaign will be targeted at Cocaine users less than the age of 50 years to raise awareness of how the usage of drugs could lead to one’s demise other than overdose. (Indirect deaths) Slogan – “Don’t let your life seep through the cracks” (Meaning of this slogan is to stop the use of cocaine before cocaine consumes one’s life)
1.Hashtag construction
Considering “International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking”, a hashtag such as #IsTheHighWorthIt. The above hashtag is the primary stage of the campaign and provides a foundation for asking the users the question of whether the temporary intoxication is worth the lifetime of hurt and hurt caused to the loved ones around you. The hashtag will become the driving force to recognize the impressions received for the campaign.
2.Social media post series
A post template will be created to showcase how cocaine-induced indirect death occurs. These causes will be symbolized as follows:

Homicides - Gun
Accidents - Slippery Road ahead sign

The first step would be the photoshoot, where the symbols will be drawn up on a black surface with the use of powder (instead of cocaine for obvious reasons) with an overhead light source. The next step would be to take the images for post-processing and create a post template containing the campaign slogan and hashtag. The last step would be to upload the posts on social media including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn through our organization’s pages. We will post the same on the collaborative organizations and individuals as well.
Anti Drug Abuse Awareness Campaign

Anti Drug Abuse Awareness Campaign
