Rumah Atsiri Resto launch the plant-based menu that supplied the needs of daily nutrition. Some of the menus will be combined with vegetarian-based protein like eggs but completely eliminate meat, dairy, and seafood. The healthy delicacies prepared and curated by the Kitchen Department could boost your immune system during the pandemic, especially if you combine it with regular exercise. #ExperienceTheEssence

Creative Director Anisa Dila Qolbi
Graphic Designer Shavira Ramadhiani Ammarlita & Wahyuningsih 
Photograph Florencia Irena | Food Styling Reina
Digital Image & Retouch Shavira Ramadhiani Ammarlita
PIC Printing Production Tesya Fiky
Copywriting Tania Ilyas 

Atsiri Plant Based Menu

Atsiri Plant Based Menu
