Digital rendering of a French wine bar concept using Adobe Photoshop in creating photorealistic textures and images.
Photo editing and manipulation using Adobe Photoshop in transforming a black & white photograph into a touched up, colorized image, and finally finished with a background texture.
Set design concept development using hand rendering in creating quick sketches based on research on proposed theme in illustrating fictional character's room set.
Ad design concept for a lifestyle brand that was researched, staged, photographed, and finally digitally edited for final ad design using both Illustrator and Photoshop.
Restaurant menu update through layout and design concept development to further enforce brand image on menu design.
Logo designs for various brand concepts, focusing on choice of color palette, font, and image integration, as well as color palette and media kit design concept for an existing brand, 'Electric Run'.
Drafting for a retail store concept illustrating store layout and space planning, with the use of universal architectural symbols, techniques, and lettering.
Window display research, concept development and rendering, construction and finally installation, working as a window manager within a team of four, based on the inspiration of 'paper' as the theme.
A scene taken from a 3-dimensional restaurant space design concept that was created using Google SketchUp.
My Portfolio

My Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio. - Connecting through contemporary design with a refined simplicity.
