Amith M D's profile

Diverse UX Research projects

Project 1
Research, design, and develop an app for SmartBuy, a feature offered by HDFC Bank to its customers.

We kicked off the UX research work with a few questionnaires. We proceeded to drawing a user persona  based on the user responses. We adopted the double diamond design process and executed the designs. You can see some of the sample screens below. 

UX Researcher/UX Writer

- Figma
- Adobe XD

Business benefits
Proposal project ongoing...
Please note: Full screen flow will be displayed in person.
1.1 Random Sample Screens
1.2 Random Sample Screens
1.3 Random Sample Screens
Project 2
Give a new look and feel to the app given there are new product lines to follow in the near future. Make the app look clean and seamless. Provide easy spotting options for the users.

We conducted a field interview of the cab passengers, sitting beside the driver for 3 minutes, 10 questions. We took turns and collected valuable insights. 

User 1 (Excerpt): "I feel like there needs to be larger action buttons as someone like my dad can't tap on one go." 

User 2 (Excerpt): We would love to see the OLA electric soon; (hence, the big number of in-app images) 

User 3 (Excerpt): There is a lack of differentiation between cab number and ride OTP. 

Field user research ==> defining the problem ==> User persona ==> Lo-fi wireframes 

We proceeded to brainstorm user problems and define a business problem statement. Moved on to craft lo-fi wireframes and propose for further steps like design and development. 

UX Researcher/UX Writer

Adobe XD

Business benefits
- Increased user convenience by 2X
- Provided clarity in content and user flow
- Offered content differentiation from its competition  
Diverse UX Research projects


Diverse UX Research projects


Creative Fields