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Gum Recession Treatment

Gum Recession Treatment
Gum recession is a common problem and there are several treatment options available for the condition. However, the most effective gum recession treatment involves proper oral hygiene and a healthy diet. This will help prevent the gums from receding. Also, it is important to monitor the changes in your mouth. This condition is caused by bacteria that live in the mouth.

Treatment options

There are several treatment options for gum recession, including gum grafting. A tissue graft involves removing some of the gum tissue from under the gum line and placing it over the exposed root. The periodontist then stitches the tissue into place. This is considered the best treatment option for severe gum recession.

Other treatment options for gum recession include orthodontics, which can correct crooked, tipped, or rotated teeth. For more severe cases, gum graft surgery may be an option. This procedure uses donor tissue to replace lost gum tissue. This gum tissue is usually taken from the roof of the mouth, but it can sometimes come from a human donor.

While surgical procedures for gum recession are not ideal for most people, they can stop the process if you're in good health. They can be done in conjunction with other procedures to cover the roots and prevent the gums from retracting further. However, this treatment does require a significant investment in time and money. The results of a surgical procedure are temporary, and you must keep up with your oral hygiene regimen to avoid gum recession.

If you suspect that you have gum recession, you should see a dentist immediately. Even mild cases can cause sensitivity in your gums, which makes it difficult for you to brush and floss properly. Deep cleaning of periodontal pockets may be necessary in order to eliminate plaque and tartar buildup. You may also be given antibiotics to kill bacteria. Your dentist will also teach you the proper way to brush your teeth and may also prescribe desensitizing toothpaste.

Gum recession can be caused by many factors, including genetics, lifestyle habits, and hormonal changes. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss and bone loss. Treatment options for gum recession include gum surgery, gum grafting, and periodontal therapy. You will also need to avoid aggressive brushing.

Gum recession is often caused by gum disease. If you suffer from gum disease, periodontal treatment will help control the condition and slow the progression of the condition. A periodontal exam is the first step to determining whether you have gum disease or not. Other factors that may cause gum recession include smoking, oral piercing, and poor oral hygiene.

Predisposing factors

Gum recession is a condition in which gums become loose. It is one of the most common causes of tooth loss and affects approximately seventy percent of adults in the United States. Although it is mostly the result of poor oral hygiene, some factors can increase your risk of developing this condition. Some of these include smoking, certain medications, and certain health conditions. The good news is that you can reduce your risk of developing gum disease by following proper oral hygiene and visiting the dentist regularly.

While gum recession is largely caused by poor oral hygiene, it can also be a result of trauma to the gums. Genetics can also contribute to receding gums. For example, individuals with thin jawbones are more prone to periodontal disease than those with normal bone density. A dentist can determine whether you have gum recession and suggest treatment.

Other predisposing factors for gum recession include advanced age and systemic disease. These conditions can negatively affect the immune system and increase your risk of gum disease. Additionally, medications that impact the production of saliva can make you more likely to develop gum disease. For these reasons, it is important to discuss your risk factors with a dentist so that they can create an effective plan for prevention.

Lastly, poor nutrition can contribute to periodontal disease. You need a balanced diet that contains adequate amounts of nutrients. You can take a multivitamin to ensure that you get all the vitamins and minerals you need in your diet. A healthy diet is essential to maintain gum health.

If you have a family history of periodontal disease, this can increase your risk of developing the disease. People who are obese have a 29% higher risk of developing periodontal disease. Also, people with a large waist have a 19% increased risk. So, if your family history is linked to gum disease, it is important to have regular dental checkups.

Gum Recession Treatment

Gum Recession Treatment


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