Rachael Ashe's profile

Imaginary Girl II

Imaginary Girl is a series of creative and colourful portraits featuring female subjects in imaginative settings. 

Each of the seventeen women in the series is either someone I know personally as a friend or I have come into contact with through social networking sites. One of the challenges in working with people who aren’t models is the high level of discomfort with having their photo taken. Almost all of the women I chose to work with didn’t feel they were very photogenic but were willing to step in front of my camera lens.

This is a personal project. All of the photos were taken betweetn September 2009 and February 2011.

Wonderland, 2010
Awaiting Spring, 2011
Between Imagination and Attainment Lies Longing, 2010
Blossoming, 2010
Nature Is An Infinite Sphere, 2010
Threads & Needles, 2009
Ebb & Flow, 2010
Pretty In Pink, 2011
Pretty in Pink, 2011
Unveil, 2010
Paper Lanterns, 2010
Delicate, 2010
Green Balloons, 2010
Imaginary Girl II

Imaginary Girl II

A personal project of creative portrait photography of women.


Creative Fields