
The project examines the relationship between the physical world and online activity.

The centrepiece is a booklet, which uses primarily typography, photography and cut-outs to establish visual and conceptual links, in relation to the text. The copy used is a collection of found articles and quotes, with an editorial written by me (credits and biographies of authors are included in the booklet). 

The main concepts involved are explained below.

Below: digital elements entering the physical world. The result is a combination of digital and physical elements ('augmented reality').
The next two images work together and examine social networking.

Primary concept: A communication path is created, using cut-outs, between this image of personal space with an image of public space with people. 
The Internet has a significant political role to play in suppressive regimes.
The idea of 'information overload', like pollution.


A project examining the relationship between the physical world and online activity.


Creative Fields