Flexible workspaces of the future for IDEO

Seven design students, three hours, one brief.
IDEO asked us to generate a concept for the future workspace. We felt that as more people will start working from home, the need for rented spaces for client meetings or collaborative creative sessions will rise.
This was part of the Made In Brunel 24 hour design challenge. For more info: http://madeinbrunel.com/blog/article/24hr-design-challenge-live 
Here are some of our thoughts that we generated during our session:
The brief.
A good workspace is social, confidential, comfortable and productive. These things should not be compromised in a rented office.
If so many people are using the same space in one day, how can we protect the information that gives your company its value? We looked into several security systems for entering the space.
This workspace is smart: it automatically adjusts its furniture configuration, depending how how many people the space is booked for, uploads your presentation so it's good to go as soon as you walk into the room and the stationery supply cupboard slides down to the quantity of suppies that your ordered.
The process of booking out a workspace, whether it's in an office or at your local cafe.
Our vison of the future flexible workspace. The storyboard.
Work in progress photographs:
Sian King, Mary Kinuthia, Estelle Chung, Solveiga Pakstaite, George Davey, Christian Haimes, Hannes Ramoser
Flexible workspaces of the future for IDEO