Brief: Produce a book about a story in your life around one of these themes. Luck, Risk, Loss and Guilt.
'Kaput at The Kaire' is a book that drops you high up in the Himalayas, in the morning of the hardest day of my life. Unlike normal books, you read this book upwards till you reach the lake we were trekking to. You notice the typeface slowly deteriorate in concurrence with my mind as altitude sickness slowly sets in as you climb from page 1 (3660m), to the lake (5100m). From here the book reads as it woukld be normally and returns back down to camp, reading down the paper.
Made out of newsprint, 'Kaput at the Kaire' feels like a map, and the veiny feet on the cover look as if they are mountain contours on a map. The colours also do this - but primerily lull you into a false sence of security as once opened, the book is pure black and white, a reference to the darkest day on the trip and to the day's unexpected nature. The typface used is an adapted version of Gill Sans which slowly looses it's clarity as you climb with a total of six fonts to communicate this slow yet noticible process. 
Kaput at the Kaire

Kaput at the Kaire

A book that drops you high up in the Nepalese Himalayas and lets you experience my altitude sickness.
