HROMADSKE – is a digital broadcasting station in Ukraine that started to operate on 22 November 2013. The project was announced by 15 journalists. It gained popularity by the broadcasting of the Revolution of Dignity. The media is positioned as a platform for finding solutions and highlighting problems.

We create a new communication platform "Turn on" and visual update of current style of the brand. In the modern information space, events of various levels of significance are constantly taking place. This creates a real information chaos. The concept visualizes focusing on the important and structuring information chaos. Only the most important clusters of information fall into focus. "Hromadske" provides news in an orderly and understandable form, forming a certain information "matrix".

Visually, the concept is realized due to concentric semicircles (focus on the important) and dots (information, community, events). The concept of the "Hromadske" brand identity is based on a set of points. Each of the dots is a separate person or event. Dots scale reflecting the differences between people and events.

Restyling include offline, online, social media and broadcast design materials.

Credits: Hromadske, Havas Kyiv
Year: 2018



