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Idea: my overall idea that I'm trying to convey is how you can take simple pictures from a sporting event and create a super cool and clean advertisement for the certain player with the pictures you have gathered. 

Materials: I used adobe photoshop. and in this app I used; the gradient tool, the polygonal lasso tool, magic wand tool, brush tool, eraser tool, paint bucket tool, horizontal text tool, and the line tool. 

Process:First I added a close up of Odells head and then split it in half and colored the left side of the head blue so I could later add photos on this side. Next I added a picture of Odells head with a helmet on to emphasize him being locked in during the game. Next I added 3 close up photos of him on the left side and gave them a faded effect, which I will use throughout this project on other pieces. Next I added his last name "Beckham '' right down the center to give it a line of reference, this also emphasizes the name with the bold line on the left and the bold letters and the gradient in the middle to add to the faded effect. Next I added these 4 lines that are redirected at a 90 degree angle, i used these as a lead up to the main graphic and to also give it a more of a futuristic look. Next off I added a full body picture of Odell to emphasize the sport and also because all the pictures i have so far are from the shoulders up. I also added a shadow under him to make him look natural in this project. lastly i added a the rams logo continuing to use the faded effect on the bottom as you can see, then i flipped this logo to use on the left side to give it more of a symmetrical effect, and to end it i used a color layover to completely bring the whole project together because some of the pictures together give off an unnatural effect.
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