Leonardo Vicentini's profile

Garofalo Packaging Redesign

Disclaimer: Garofalo did not commission this work. This is a university project inspired by the brand.
Goal: Redesign a packaging and then, using professional printers, get your own phyisical packaging
First of all, i had to find a product's packaging that in my opinion could be improved, so i went to a grocery store and started looking around and i found this:
Then i proceeded to analyze Garofalo's brand:
SWOT Analysis
At this point i got a sense of what were the Strenghts and the Weaknesses of the brand, so I began to understand what I had to work on. But before starting to create something concrete i had to study the problems of the actual packaging, so that i could get insights into what i could improve:
Packaging Study
In order to analyse the packaging correctly, I used the "6 Rules of Packaging Design"**
1. Clarity and Simplicity
It’s pretty clear, but probably too simple…

2. Honesty
Well, it’s transparent… it can't be more honest than that

3. Authenticity
Not so original, everyone could have done this

4. Shelf Impact
Probably yes because it’s the only one that is like this, not a good one tho

5. Extensibility
Yes, they just need to change the number and the name

6. Practicality
Doesn’t differ from the others

Sketch & 3D Model
From Blender i exported the the shape that will be cut (black) by opening up the 3D model. Then i added the creasing (magenta), and finally i created the design for my packaging.
My Idea
They claim that they have the best pasta in terms of quality:

So i tried to create something that could give some kind of elegant and elite vibes.

In order to represent this aspect i wanted to create a unique shape, something not standard.

I know well that this packaging could occupy more space in the shelf, but the fact that it’s thicker, takes up less space horizontally.

I'm also aware that it’s not the best shape to stack, but for this packaging i decided to prioritize the look&feel, so that the customers could feel the quality of pasta by looking at it.

The package contains 480g of pasta, and this choice was made because this number of grams is divisible by 80, that is "the right portion" of pasta per person.
Printing the final product
In the end this is what i got after printing and folding all the flaps
Garofalo Packaging Redesign

Garofalo Packaging Redesign

This is a university project inspired by the brand. Garofalo did not commission this work.
