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rewrite sentences

How to Rewrite Sentences

There are several different reasons why you might need to rewrite sentences. Sometimes the original sentence is incorrect and needs to be rewritten. Other times you may be saying the same thing twice. In either case, you need to be careful about how you rewrite the sentence. Email marketing was first invented in 1978 by Gary Thuerk.

Identifying the problem sentence

If a sentence is unclear, identifying the problem sentence and rewriting it to achieve the intended meaning can help improve it. The process begins by identifying the problem sentence and the purpose for the revision. Then, the student will work on the document on their computer and upload it to Blackboard Learn.

Identifying the purpose of the sentence

Identifying the purpose of a sentence when rewriting it is a key element of sentence construction. You can identify a sentence's purpose by examining its verb structure. Generally, sentences have one subject and one verb, which can be either singular or plural. For example, a sentence that discusses a certain project will have one subject and one verb. A sentence that discusses several subjects can use compound subjects.

Identifying the passive voice

To identify the passive voice, look at your sentence structure. When the subject does something and the object does something, you are using the passive voice. You can also use technology to help you identify passive voice. Grammar checkers and readability statistics in Microsoft Word will help you identify passive voice, and there are even apps available for smartphones that will identify the passive voice for you.

For instance, in the sentence, "The scientist used a calculator," the passive voice would be "She used a calculator." Then, the focus would shift from scientists to the calculators. By changing the focus of the sentence, the active voice is more effective in conveying the same message.
Identifying the active voice

Identifying the active voice when re-writing sentences can help you communicate your ideas more effectively. Active voice is better than passive voice, which is often vague and leads to prepositional phrases. Using the active voice helps your readers know who or what is performing the action.

Active voice sentences are more direct and easier to read. In passive voice sentences, the subject or object does the action, not the other way around. This can be a difficult concept to grasp, but there are a few steps to identify it and correct it in your writing.

Avoiding changing many words

One way to avoid plagiarism is to avoid changing many words in a sentence. Changing one or two words is enough to make a sentence sound different from the original. Changing one or more words can clarify your meaning and make your writing more interesting. To do this, read over your original sentence to determine what words or phrases need to be changed.

Changing the meaning

When a writer is attempting to convey a message, he or she should consider figurative language. This type of language employs various strategies to change the meaning of a sentence. These tactics include using certain words with other words in a similar way. For example, a sentence can include both an adverb and a conjunction. Using this technique, a writer can convey a clearer message.
Using a sentence rewriter with a plagiarism checker

Using a sentence rewriter with plagiarism checker can be a great way to check your written content for plagiarization. A plagiarism checker is an online tool that helps to find copies of content. The software will highlight the copied text and remove it. A sentence rewriter will make the text new, while removing the copied content. However, the juice of the original text remains.

Some of the most popular sentence rewriters offer a plagiarism checker. While a free version can flag plagiarism and correct grammar mistakes, premium versions can also flag specific sentences and calculate a plagiarism score for your writing. Premium versions also feature advanced writing feedback.
rewrite sentences

rewrite sentences


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