Paula Moody's profile

Cuff (No.1)

App Design
A mobile application aimed at guys beginning their professional career. This app aims to make shopping a hassle free experience and to provide easy access to what they need or to what they want. There are two primary audiences: the person who shops regularly, knows what they want and where to get it and then the person who doesn’t and is confused at the sight of the clothes store. Both are searching for clothes that they will feel comfortable in, will impress their friends, family and other half and that may score them the job they want.
Either person can have an important, upcoming event and needs to find something quickly, a forgotten birthday or the sudden appearence of in-laws: they want whatever they need to wear to be towards the bottom of their list of items to remember. This app allows just that, any user can easily locate an item of clothing they need and order their search results by distance from their current location, price or availability. Even if they want to find the shirt a friend was wearing the week before, this application can help by segmenting searches by colour and pattern or style to help achieve a more hassle free shopping expereince.
A step by step guide highlighting the main features of the mobile application. The short animation represents the users' actions and demonstrates the ability to tap, double tap and scroll to access various functions.
The primary functions of the app rely on creating easy access for the user to what they need at that specific time. For example, if the user is out shopping, the camera function and discount section shall be the first two sections to load on the screen. (GPS dection notices where the user is and commands the home screen to act accordingly).
Cuff (No.1)


Cuff (No.1)

A mobile app created with the intentions of making shopping easier and more efficient. This is specifically geared towards males and based around Read More
