Mats-Peter Forss's profile

eLearning Statistics (with Shareable Charts)

E-Learning Statistics with Shareable Graphs

E-learning is the future of education. It has several benefits over traditional learning, such as accessibility and convenience. E-learning allows students to learn at their own speed and in their preferred method. This makes it an excellent alternative for kids of all ages and backgrounds.

Did you know that 65% of people are visual learners? Many statistics websites only display statistics in a text format which forgets the majority of learners.

To solve this issue, I've created 9 e-learning mini cards to help people learn complex statistics in a quick and easy way.

I have used this mini card on my blog post talking about the best online course platforms.
You can find the whole set of 9 mini cards on e-learning statistics page.

Feel free to share them on your websites. License: free to share with an attribution.

Say hello to mini graphs! These are aimed to make visual learning ease when it comes to complex statistics. If you're in the e-learning, online course, or online learning space, these graphs are a mandatory to explain stats in a quick way! Feel free to share them in your website's & blogs, just remember to attribute back to the original website. 


Free to use with attribution

Please appreciate if you like these graphs
eLearning Statistics (with Shareable Charts)

eLearning Statistics (with Shareable Charts)
