Charles Rodriguez's profile

'My Journey home' - Mapping project

This is the first project I have completed for my Introductory unit during the first year of study at the Arts University Bournemouth (AUB). The brief was to visually 'map' the journey to or from University. 
Initial Sketches and planning - I decided to use road signs to map my journey home. Although I see them everyday I don't always appreciate their importance. 
Contact sheet containing photos of signs that I can see on my journey to university. 
Looking at Google maps I decided to use the shape of the route itself for the final outcome.
Quick sketch of final outcome. The signs overlap and follow the route I take on my journey to university. 
The final outcome uses the photos I took on my journey to university. They have been edited using Photoshop, such as the brightness and contrast etc. Against a white background the piece looked bare so I decided to include a blurred screenshot of the Google map of the route. 
'My Journey home' - Mapping project

'My Journey home' - Mapping project

First project of introductory studies ( 1st year of study at Arts University Bournemouth) - Visually represent the journey to or from university


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