This is the third project I have completed for my Introductory unit during the first year of study at the Arts University Bournemouth (AUB). The brief was to create a Rebus from a qoute that each student 'picked out of a hat'. My qoute was : 'Round the world trip'. 
Initial ideas 1
Initial idea 2 
Progression of idea. Addition of colour 
This example was created by printing one copy then tearing beside the 'T'. This was then scanned and white was added between the rip to match the aesthetics of the design.
I decided to experiment with photography.
After several group tutorial sessions, based on feedback I decided to combine the most successful elements from each design. However on presenting this design some students found it difficult to guess the Rebus. I needed to redesign the 'pound' and 'stick figure' parts so that they were more obvious.
Here is the final design as a result of development and peer review. 
Rebus Project

Rebus Project

Rebus project. Brief: Produce a rebus from the saying - Round the world trip


Creative Fields