MatrixDAO NFT Project

MatrixDAO is a community-driven research DAO that aims to explore emerging investment opportunities in Web 3.0. We integrate the wisdom and resources of the DAO's members to accelerate our portfolios, shifting the paradigm of crypto investments from venture capital to collaborative contributions from the community.

We worked with Benson Sun to develop the visual branding and NFT passport for MatrixDAO. The NFT passport is designed for 1000 different PFP(Profile Picture) and also 10 special editions. Base on the manifesto of MatrixDAO, we define the spirit of this brand as standing for exploring the future of crypto world. In which we create future human and robotic and build a system of sci-fi mask, which is represent the anonymous and mysterious of crypto.

MatrixDAO 主要投資一級市場,是台灣從未出現過,具有野心、願景且規劃完整的 DAO。 傳統風投機構(VC)大多是以少數、菁英成員,像是普通合夥人(GP)、分析師、專案經理人(AO)所組成,是菁英化的組織,除了錢之外,也能幫助被投資的新創建立人脈等等資源。但是 MatrixDAO 想用 Web3 核心的精神——開放、社群、群眾智慧來做投資。

我們很榮幸收到Benson Sun 孫彬盛的邀請,為MatrixDAO打造品牌視覺形象以及NFT通行證的美術設計。 此通行證設計為1000個不同的PFP(Profile Picture)以及10個特殊的PFP,基於MatrixDAO的理念背景,我們將品牌定調成開闢前瞻未來性的脈絡,因此以未來人類、機器人為基底,透過科幻面具的形式來表達匿名性、神秘感,與區塊鏈的調性相呼應。

Art Director - Jie Liou 劉承杰 
Produced by - Jie Liou 劉承杰 
Visual Identity Designer - Jay Guan-Jie Peng 彭冠傑 
Project Manager - Jhin Dong 董建潁 
Concept Artist - Steven Tung 董十行、Ching Yeh 葉政青 
3D Modeling Artist - Steven Tung 董十行、Wei Ti Huang 黃威迪、Tingan Chen 陳婷安、JiaZhen Hong 洪嘉震、Jie Liou 劉承杰、Hui Kai Su 蘇暉凱 
Lighting, Texturing Artist - Jie Liou 劉承杰、Children Chiu 邱柏鈞 
Generative Artist - Children Chiu 邱柏鈞

MatrixDAO NFT Project