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FSU Research Project

Research Project in FSU 
Social Media Consumption & Body Dissatisfaction: An Analysis of Homosexual identifying Males and Non-Homosexual Identifying Males 01, 2022

Introduction: Marketing communicators must have a thorough understanding of consumer behaviors in order to communicate effectively with their target audience. Additionally, brands must know their target audiences' distinct characteristics and behaviors in order to implement strategies that help build customer loyalty (Ginder & Byun, 2015). LGBTQ+ individuals belong to a unique community that classifies them as a valuable potential market for brands to target. As the value of "pink money" grows, so does the possibility of reaching LGBTQ+ populations. According to, the global LGBT market spent 5123 million dollars in 2016 alone, with the Asian LGBT market accounting for 60% of that amount. As LGBTQ+ consumers became increasingly more significant in today’s market, a study aimed at the segment would fill in specific existing gaps in literature (Nopsuwan, 2020). However, there is a scarcity of research on the LGBTQ+ community and a lack of research on LGBTQ+ consumer behavior and marketing communication. In today’s societal climate, marketing segmentation has expanded to target contemporary cultural groups, particularly those with purchasing power, as the LGBTQ+ community does. Researching the LGBTQ+ community should be a top priority for brands across various industries. As LGBTQ+ consumers become increasingly significant in today's marketing, a feasibility study for the growing LGBTQ+ segment is required. Hence, our study seeks to fill this gap.
Designed a survey for LGBTQ+
・Designed and analyzed the participants' body image perceptions.

Ethnographic Research & Final Project- Netflix IMC Campaign

Netflix had a long reign as the top video streaming service, but as the market became saturated with competitors and consumers with increasing demands, the company faced a fall from grace. Netflix currently operates worldwide with its largest consumer segment being 18–34-year-olds with a professional degree. Their recent and current marketing efforts focus on digital promotion of their original productions but seem to lack clear directions or nods to their target audiences. These missteps, coupled with increased prices, mass cancellations of beloved content, and strict proposals regarding password sharing, have started to create negative perceptions of Netflix amongst consumers. To combat this, Netflix should refresh its brand image and marketing and advertising efforts by referring to consumer insights from key audiences.
A focus group was conducted to investigate the insights and questioned several Gen Z and Millennial consumers’ about their perceptions, behaviors, and habits about Netflix. The research ultimately reveals both positive and negative attributes that the company should consider moving forward, including recommendation features, new genres of content such as video games, international titles, and even merchandise from past beloved shows and movies. Overall, Netflix should take a modern approach to these factors of nostalgia and personalization to once again prove to consumers how and why they deserve their spot as a top streaming service.

Capstone Project in FSU’s MS Multicultural Marketing Communication Certificate
・ Conducted a focus group and used SPSS to analyze participants' views on Netflix.
・ Proposed solutions based on research results for the goals of improving the streaming platform's customer satisfaction. 

Click and ask for a request to access the paper: AP_ Netflix Final Project .pdf
Promoting Effective Communications in Agile Teams

This white paper is designed to share knowledge as a provider of Agile approach solutions and to help improve communication in project teams by using Scrum. Agile approaches have been shown to improve team communication, and this white paper provides an outline of how this may be done in order to better understand the difficulties that arise in Agile teams and to address the changing requirements in today's business world.
To improve communication in Agile teams, this white paper will first provide an overview of communication for general project management, which includes an introduction to traditional waterfall project management and Agile project management. Then it will discuss the challenge of communication in the Agile team. Finally, propose a Scrum-based solution to improve communication in the Agile team.
The ultimate objective is to assist individuals in understanding how Agile works and how to enhance team communication through Scrum, which will ultimately result in greater collaboration and communication between team members and stakeholders.

The GroupMe ICT project

This project aims to help international graduate students keep their learning progress moving forward in distance learning through the GroupMe application. The pandemic of COVID-19 has had such a significant impact on international students that their learning ability was hindered, and so was their quality of life and mental health. Therefore, the assistance tool will be critical in reducing the negative effects of distance learning in this period.  By using the GroupMe application of this project, students will develop critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, and international communication skills. This approach could also help to bridge the gap between domestic and international students by forming a learning community to make distance learning more effective.

Click and ask for a request to access the paper: The GroupMe ICT project_Stephanie Lien_0808.pdf
FSU Research Project

FSU Research Project
