Character design
Prompt: anthropomorphic personification of Summer.
Part of a project titled "Kristallnacht".
Character design for "experiment #10".
Character design
Prompt: anthropomorphic personification for Winter.
Character design
Part of a series of experiments for my personal project titled Kristallnacht.
Character design
A Mass Effect themed original character. He's a salarian; a canonical species in the franchise.
Character design
Prompt: Anthropomorphic personification for Time and his human equivalent.
Colouring with a preset pallette. This one's pretty darn old, but I'm still fond of it.
Lenuta. She's practically a Supergirl who loves dresses, high heels and brightly coloured make-up.
Death, a.k.a. Reach Winters. My personal take on the Pale Horseman from Revelation.
Ender Karga, an original character with umbrakinesis a.k.a. the ability to control shadows / darkness.
Ender's conception.
“The Death card usually depicts a skeleton, sometimes riding a horse but more often wielding a sickle. Surrounding it are dead and dying people from all classes, including kings, bishops and commoners. The reaper carries a black banner emblazoned with the Mystic Rose, which according to Waite symbolises life or rebirth.”
“In some decks, such as the AG Müller, the Wheel of Fortune is also attended by an individual wearing a blindfold; and often there are people sitting or riding on the wheel whilst others are shown falling from it.”
Azrael is a defected ankou with a somewhat shady vendetta against humans and their ability to do what he can’t. So he finishes the jobs big boss Death didn’t– forcibly ripping the souls from humans who were supposed to die, yet didn’t due to unforeseen circumstances, and were left unattended to. In this universe, forcibly removing a soul leaves the innards of the victim liquefied so it’s quite grisly, despite only being a spiritual element of the body. Violent or forced removal is a big no-no as not only does it make a mess, but it’s a horribly painful way to die.
A monster design based on Aztec mythology.
Experiment #10 again.
Azrael sketches.
More Azrael.
Come and see.
Character Design

Character Design

Some of my better character designs.
