Vital Origin

Vital Origin is a leader in sustainable ancestral eating, regenerative agriculture, food sovereignty and local business support. We aim to raise awareness, have sustainable and smarter usage of animal nutrients - improving health through ancestral, nose-to-tail consumption; turning all offals without waste into supplements that give nutritional and environmental benefits.

Design Challenge
There is much buzz within the health and environmental spaces that plant-based is better or that red meat should be tabooed and gotten rid of altogether. Although to a certain degree this is true - industrial farming and unethical agricultural practices are detrimental to the environment, we cannot deny the nutritional benefits of consuming animal products. We need to find a more sustainable way of consuming animal-based products that will give us all the essential nutrients with zero waste, minimising the impact on the environment. But how do we show a cruelty-free, animal-based product alongside all the benefits?

Design Solution
To remove negative connotations about meat consumption, we are going back to the dawn of times when our ancestors used to respect and consume sustainably—utilising natural textures and organic shapes to represent our ancestral origin. We are finding the perfect spot between ancestral and modern to communicate our purpose; We exist to empower everyone to reach their full potential. We're utilising natural elements to communicate the idea of natural food supplements that utilises all parts of animals that otherwise would have gone to waste. At Vital Origin, everything is locally and ethically sourced to ensure the highest quality Australian livestock.

Design Impact
The result of our design for Vital Origin was a perfect combination of ancestral and modern design with a bold yet humble branding. Vital Origin is breaking the stigma and taboo in Western culture of consuming offals. Instead, we encourage consumers to move towards a more sustainable, ethical, and local way of consuming products which can be achieved through regenerative agricultural practices and nose-to-tail consumption. We helped Vital Origin achieve their goals - building a brand and design that shows the consumer that there is a natural, waste-free way to obtain all the needed nutrients and minerals that the body needs.

Designers: Andrés Herrera, Tim Van Irsel
Creative director: Mo Hamdouna
Writer: Ian Yun
Product Manager: Ezequiel Gallo
Account Executive: Yanny Wang
Account Director: Daniela Abril

Vital Origin

Vital Origin

Vital Origin is a leader in sustainable ancestral eating, regenerative agriculture, food sovereignty and local business support. We aim to raise Read More
