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Venice Carnival 2014: Have an horse as friend!

This night, the night of "Giovedì Grasso" I learn something: You must have an horse as friend.
But let me start from the beginning. I met my friends at San Marco's Square at 6 pm. They were there for a while, hard to say, I wasn't late I had just finished to work at that time. 
First of all our friend Gioel, from "Regggggio Callabbria", ask me to take a pic of him whit a mask ... yah, maybe you see my previous work on saturday carnival, not? take a look here http://bit.ly/1k0DoYV. You know, he is a friend, so i pleased him and this is the shot.  mnh :( a ordinary pic of Venitian Carnival.
Yes, I found the same scene of saturday, so now we know, it is a constant: 10% of mask and 90% of people taking photos of mask or taking photos with mask (as my friend)
After these shots, my friend brought me to Campo Santa Margherita to have fun and eat. The things began to change: there were a lot of young people, same with mask, same not but no one with a camera. Of coures sameone had a compat camera in a pocket or use their phone to take funny and silly pics of the night. I think that I was the only one taking photos. They were there to join the carnival, to have fun, to drinks, to smoke and to meet new and old friends. I fell a bite of the carnival spirit, you know, the peculiar feeling that  all the inhibitions have gone, all the diferenses have fell and everyone was living like no tomorow.
The party was over, so befor midnight we went to Canpo Sant'Angelo and CABOOM lights and sound hit us like a freak wave. I saw there more emphasized the carnival nature. The square was full of dancing and singing people. 
Our night destination was a free party at Arsenale, so we lived this place and we crossed all Venice to go there. We saw again San Marco square, this time it was empty.
Finnaly, after an hour of wolking in venetian street, we arrived to our destination 
I didn't took pics there, save this below, I put away my camera and joined the party dancing and jumping whit my friends.
About 02:00 am, on my way back, I saw the image below. Venice was going back to venetian, she was setting up for the next day. This night was over but carnival goes on, who konws what the next night of carnival have to give to people that want fun, that want to push down the inhibitions and broken the rules. Hit the nights and find your carnival. Maybe I will go out with my camera the next Tuesday, Mardi Gras, if isn't raining as to night.
P.S. The horse head on the cover pic and in same pics is my friend SCANNER (http://www.flickr.com/photos/77650036@N06/) the better and simpler mask of this year, no one had the some number of prise in our groop.
Venice Carnival 2014: Have an horse as friend!

Venice Carnival 2014: Have an horse as friend!

Let's go out for an ordinary carnival night in Venice.
