Nathalie Butsana-Sita's profile

Nothing so exciting as a good war

Wars are the most exciting events of life
Moshe Dayan
I am not a war fanatic. Quite contrary. I believe war can only be exciting for those with the better guns. Anyway, I think everybody understands the title above. Otherwise the 'war movie industry' wouldn't be so popular. And some people just appeal to us so long as we don't think to much about the consequences of their deeds. 
Whatever, I rather look at the cover and not see the content.
Jerusalem (2011)
oil on canvas
80 x 80
Dayan was a childhood hero. He was the man with the smile and the eyepatch. I saw him in magazines and as a character in a Jack Lemmon movie. He could have been real or a movie star. But he was a Hero. (2011)

oil on canvas
100 x 80

C.O.D.Y (2011)
He didn't do a Cody ...
oil on canvas
100 x 80
Same goes with Kaddhafi. During childhood I heard my mother and her friends talk about this glamourous colonel. And this in a family that was truly Israël minded. Funny that two enemies could count on some sympathy within the same family, although I must admit that the admiration for Kaddhafi must have been very thin, rather superficial. But that serves the understanding of these paintings even better.
Am I not a rockstar? (2011)
oil on canvas
60 x 50
Jonathan Franzen even uses Kaddhafi's looks in his book 'Freedom'. He describes Richard Katz as resembling this sexy colonel. So whatever perception or idea I had as a child about Kaddhafi couldn't have been so far off. As long as you take the war out of the equation.
Playing with the big boyzz (2011)
oil on canvas
100 x 80
Parade (2011)
Oil on canvas
100 x 80
I used the following recent quote from a Lybian spokesman for a painting of Dayan. The quote is probably misquoted but you catch the meaning anyway. Although I really am a pacifist and I really hope never to have to face a war, I can't help but agree with the inevitability of casualties.
Well, it's a war. People are bound to die. (2011)
oil on canvas
100 x 80
Had to add this last one.
You win some you loose some (2011)
oil on canvas
100 x 80
Nothing so exciting as a good war

Nothing so exciting as a good war

These are paintings of a general and a colonel. Two enemies. Both admired at a certain time and place. I painted them all fairly recently in spri Read More
