César Góngora's profile

Supermarket Advertising Commercial

Plaza Vea Supermarket Advertising Commercial
As part of the annual campaigns carried out by Supermercados Peruanos to maintain its Plaza Vea brand, we were commissioned to create a concept that transmits the tranquility and freedom that the user feels when buying in the store. For this commercial we used the original soundtrack by Irene Face - What a feeling

Como parte de las campañas anuales que hace Supermercados Peruanos para el mantenimiento de su marca Plaza Vea, se nos encargo crear un concepto que trasmita la tranquilidad y libertad que siente el usuario al comprar en la tienda, para este comercial usamos el soundtrack original de Irene Cara - What a feeling
Agencia: Fahrenheit DDB
DCG: Sergio Franco
Directores: Mauricio Loredo, Gonzalo Vera-Tudela
Redactora: Alejandra Fernandez
Director de Arte: César Góngora
Supermarket Advertising Commercial


Supermarket Advertising Commercial


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