Anima and Animus

Above all, we owe it to ourselves to unite at least once in our lives with the other part of us that will manifest in our path. Even if it is only for a few moments, because these moments will bring great love that justifies the rest of our time.

And it emerges from the union and unification of these two halves. But the struggle for individuality and psychological unity in Jungian psychology is not possible without the essence of love.
I have depicted anima and animus. In all my artworks, anima and animus are in fact the same, but each shows different backgrounds, and this diversity has visually influenced the formation of human forms in my works. These two elements are portrayed together, and it is being together that gives them meaning. And unity and oneness are formed between them to lead to a magical marriage.
In these works, Anima does not have her feet on the ground, which is a symbol of her positive aspects, that is, a woman who is a transformative angel, and raises love to the level of the ascension of the soul.
And love, according to Paolo Coelho, is the force that binds us together again, and for thousands of years, people have searched and found each other.

My bed is empty
To the extent of the colour 
I want colour Red-green tone colour  
Then the drunken rain
Warm rainbow
It wraps a colour around my body
Oh, it screams inside me
My body wall is wet
One colour with your blood 
I broke the rocks one by one to pave the way you pass
A little walking is enough on my body
To know me
I have a last mission
And we become perfect, united, calm, and happy when the process of individuality is complete in us.
Therefore, we humans can cross all obstacles and find our destination by going through many ups and downs, without thinking about it. Therefore, each of us is discovered in our own way .... With love or without love.
Do you know?
The tears of God froze from the blue of my paintings
Can you believe that Benches lying on the floor
Were the beds of confused sleepy people?
And now another half-full cup
They drink and spit the pulp under their feet
Anima and Animus

Anima and Animus


Creative Fields