Superposition is an edition born from a student project. 

The goal? 
To explore the different aspects of superposition, the material, the typography, the frames, everything that inspires 
the vast field of superposition. 
Each student was asked to create a modular typography, 
three graphic creations based on the work of the frames, 
to be integrated inside the edition, and finally a cover. 
Let's discover the project I did.

The modular typography :
I created this typography with the intention to put forward 
the grid I worked with to create it.

In each of my projects, simplicity is one of my main guidelines. 
This is what led me to use this modular grid. 
The simplicity of the round shape and the reminder that 
the circles create with the grid system made sense right away.
This typography is composed of two layers. 

The intention was here to put forward the superposition 
by adding the points of the modular grid 
and the lines 
that these points create. 

Graphic creations based on the raster system :
The work in bichromy is a technique that I find very interesting 
, so I made some screening with only two colors. 
The aspect of superposition is emphasized by the different 
angles of rotation of each layer of the photo.

The graphic creations above were made from photos of my 
different trips. On the right page you can see the White House 
in 2017 during the inauguration of President Donald Trump. 
This inauguration has made a lot of talk and many demonstrations have followed. The project was therefore here to reflect 
on this inauguration by light posters. 
A question, a few words, a picture are sometimes more useful 
than a huge paragraph. Whoever looks at them is free 
to interpret them as he wishes and, perhaps, to understand 
a message behind these sentences.

The creation of the left page is intended to highlight 
all the layers that an image can contain and play between the graphic and photographic superposition. To make the viewer understand that a photo is not only what we have in front of us but a superposition of multiple elements. 

The concept I have given here to my version of the edition 
is oriented on puns. So I decided to give another dimension to the word superposition. 
Superposition can also be read super position. 
A super position!

It is from this observation that was born the cover 
of the edition. A mixture of positions that are superimposed 
and that gives a super position.

Playing with the meaning of the words and the orientation 
of the graphic elements is an integral part of the creation process of this edition.
Thank you​​​​​​​




Creative Fields