Guided Granny, 2022

What does self-portrait mean?
What does self-awareness mean?
Can a self-portrait series be able to act as a process of self-awareness?
Can a self-portrait represent self-awareness?
Can a self-awareness process become a self-portrait?
Do we always need a face for a self- portrait, or can a whole story be turned into one big self-portrait?
Can a photographer guide another person to take self-portrait?

I have been working on the subject of Guided Autobiography since February 2022, which is dealing with the role of photography in a therapeutic field. The first station of
my work was the diploma project at MOME, Budapest.
The diploma series OCCASIONS, is my own self-portrait without the actual appearance of my face. I examined the self-experience method of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, called Guided Autobiography. It structures life into nine stages which a person can connect by reflecting on memories, experiences, and feelings through the past, present, and future - including our own death and what we leave behind. My aim is to combine the logotherapy approach with the tools of art therapy, especially therapeutic photography. Instead of this visual language so far only written form has been used for reflection. Thus, I designed a creative process using photography to test
a potential complementation to therapeutic sessions.
I also consider it a useful step to reflect on the material composition and the curation of the finished photographs as a final stage in the process. In this way, not only the creative process itself, but also the final step of the physical realisation of the images call for decision-making that encourage self-reflection.
You see a selection of photographs.
Guided Granny

Guided Granny


Creative Fields