So who's TezcaBot. He's our mascot at Tezca Dev. We needed a friend for us to be in the digital realm. For XR testing, or just video editing. That's how I came up with his design. He's based on Tezcatlipoca's myth, aztec God of War, or at least he presents a couple features, like the "black magic mirror" on his chest, and the lack of a foot. It's a cool myth.
If you want to see his presentation video, check it out Here.
Yes he can walk, but also fly.
The design is pretty much based on Giru from Dragon Ball GT and Weebo from Flubber.
After doodling around for a while, I came up with the basic form, and then went on to Meta Quest 2, used Gravity sketch to work on it's volume. After that, it was modeling, UV unwrapping and then the texturing. He's meant to have more than one skin.
Thanks For your Attention!!


