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Cleveland Institute of Art: Designing Your Brand

Cleveland Institute of Art Continuing Education. Designing Your Brand class. An eight week course focused on learning the fundamentals of Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign then applying those skills to a brand execution. 

Assignment 1: Create an original advertisement for an existing brand of your choosing. I chose Farquhar's Ice Cream because of my personal connection to the brand. I envisioned the company advertising my favorite flavor. The local heritage of the brand is emphasized.
Assignment 2: Create 16 logo iterations for an existing brand, your personal brand or a conceptual brand of your choosing. I created a conceptual coffee shop brand called Ursa Major Coffee. I experimented with names, brand styles and color schemes in these 16 iterations. 
Assignment 3: Final logo execution. Choose a logo you feel is strongest and fits your brand. I chose concept iteration 3D, the blue Ursa Major Coffee Co. logo, changing the name to Ursa Major Coffee Bar. I felt this logo was simple and easy to mass produce and print on products and ads. The blue background fits the northern aesthetic I envision for my brand and Ursa Major Coffee Bar. It is a simple name that is easy for consumers to remember. The background shape is fluid and represents the night sky, and having the constellation as the main logo connects the brand concept to consumers who may not be familiar with the name Ursa Major.
Assignment 4: Your brand advertisement. The final concept for our brands was to create an advertisement highlighting our product or service. I chose an A5 postcard ad for my coffee shop, which I set in Winter Park Colorado. I highlighted exclusive food and beverage pairings and advertised a community event, a coffee shop concert. A giveaway for signing up acts as the consumer's call to action. 
Cleveland Institute of Art: Designing Your Brand


Cleveland Institute of Art: Designing Your Brand
