Bug-eyed: Eyeball Project
Save your old work and don't delete it! No matter how hit makes you fell initially you can always go back and fix it or be inspired by it to do something else that you might end up loving. This is the project where I realized that. In 2021 we were given a task to make a photo edit using a bug and an eyeball. The instructor gave us a bunch of reference material and said have at. Basically, create something cool looking while also demonstrating that we could follow instructions.  
So I found the tutorial I wanted to use, got an image of a cute little girl, a cool looking bug, and I went to work. What I came up with got me an A for the assignment but something about it always bugged me. I liked parts of it, but I wasn't fond of most of it. So much so that I honestly wasn't even going to post it here at all. 
Recently though, I was compelled to take another look at this one. On a whim one night I tossed it back into photoshop and started messing around with things. To my surprise, I stated digging it. To the point where I actually added it to my list of things to post. It's still rough, but this is one of my first edits and I'm actually really happy that I finally made it into something that I could enjoy. I hope you find it appealing to.  
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Eyeball Project


Eyeball Project


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