金曲33 Golden Melody Awards 2022

本次為金曲獎睽違16年第四度移師高雄,由北向南最鮮明的感知,即是熱度的上升。 熱本身就像一種催化劑,
足以帶來各種質變。這份來自高雄的熱, 象徵著金曲擁有的熱力:膾炙人口的熱度、整個世代一同追求音樂的狂熱、
如同高溫融化黃金般勢不可擋,即將改變音樂圈的面貌。 我們將金曲和高雄所蘊藏的熱度,
結合音樂圈此刻蓄勢待發的改變, 構思出金曲33以「熱」為視覺核心的年度主題:「熱力質變」。
After the pandemic and the significant growth of streaming services, the music industry started to accumulate an energy to reshape itself. The idea of deconstruction has never been so strong. The definition of success continued to be redefined. People influenced by this power no longer limited themselves to a single role.
After 16 years, The Golden Melody Awards was held in Kaohsiung again for the forth time. The most obvious change we felt when heading south was the growth of the temperature. This thermal energy from Kaohsiung produced all kind of chemical reaction, just like the phenomena which GMA brought to us. The GMA let popular music spread widely, revealed this generation’s eagerness of new voice and gave light and heat to the musicians on stage. The gold-melting power were going to reshape the structure of music industry forever. And this was the starting point for us to introduce the 33th GMA with the annual theme: “THERMAL IMPLOSION”.
We designed the key visual for GMA33 with the idea: visualizing the temperature of music. With the principle of thermography—capture infrared radiation to create image—we combined two wavelengths,
 invisible infrared and visible spectrum, to rendered the contour of number “33”.
 Through this indefinable design we demonstrated the endless pursuit of people who fell in love with music.



熱像儀上的介面標示──我們逐步轉化出典禮中的視覺包裝元素: 浮動的追蹤點、跳動的溫度數字、
Thermography is the process of capturing and creating image by detecting infrared radiation, 
which is similar to GMA’s capability of discovering and presenting new music and artists.
We extracted several graphic elements from thermography devices: the tracking points, temperature numbers,
multiple gradient preset and blur mosaic squares when low IR resolution was used. These elements were then transformed into motion graphics and were applied all over the ceremony, including stage animation, on-air package, nominee video…etc. By doing so, we presented a warm and vibrant package design.
Checking body temperature became so common in the past 2 years. These designs were like melodies 
adapted from thermometer beeping, celebrating the return of our daily lives.

讓頒獎舞台本身有了呼吸感;讓典禮溫度能被可視化地感受; 置身於舞台中央的頒獎人、得獎者,



金曲33 Golden Melody Awards 2022