Anlin Liu's profile

The Missing Piece

The Missing Piece
Digital Game
Game Design & Game Art
Based on the book The Missing Piece, we decided to translate this warm and philosophical story into an interactive game.
Platform: Mobile (development is expected to be implemented on Android first)
Game Genres: Interactive narrative game in a horizontal level system (game format reference Florence and Etiffench's Memory)
Gameplay: Puzzle + Adventure (click + gyroscope)
The journey of the game experience: having a wish - finding the wish - trying to achieve the wish - getting the wish

Dialogue system: no textual dialogue; communication with NPCs is presented by a simple "Abba Abba" sound effect and a simple pattern in the bubble above the character. (e.g., the bubble above the little circle shows a missing corner + question mark, the bubble above the little butterfly shows a flower petal similar to the corner with an arrow to keep going - presenting a dialogue where the little circle asks for directions and the little butterfly points the direction to the little flower)

Navigation: The aim is to find the 'missing corner' throughout the game, with each mini-level being a conversation with an NPC to suggest the next location. A mini-map is displayed at the top of the screen. 

The Missing Piece

The Missing Piece


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