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What Should You Know About Micro Gaming Influencers?

What Should You Know About Micro Gaming Influencers?
Micro-influencers are classed as those accounts with between 10,000 and 50,000 followers, according to MediaKix.

The influencer marketing scene was once dominated by widely recognised names with millions of followers, but that is no longer the case.

Gaming influencer marketing, like other channels, has undergone a significant shift in recent years.

The growth of platforms like TikTok and the slow decrease in user attention spans mean more content is needed.

And as social media users demand more content, opportunities for new creators grow.

Today, there are thousands of micro gaming influencers around.

Why should your brand care about micro-influencers?

Two of the most important factors to consider when it comes to gaming influencer marketing agency are the size of their following and whether or not they have genuine engagement levels.

With each of these considerations, gaming micro-influencers have something to offer. Those with a smaller following usually charge less per post and tend to have higher levels of engagement in comparison to larger influencers.

But these aren’t the only important thing to consider. Beyond these things, you must choose an individual who is excited about your brand and suits your company. 

Micro-influencers can help businesses to target a fairly specific audience. So if you know just what you are looking for and a particular gaming influencer reaches that demographic, you might just have the perfect partnership.

Brands that choose the wrong influencer might not reach their target audience. Or worse, they may become associated with someone who simply doesn’t match their brand values.

Whatever collaboration you are aiming for, consider consulting industry experts before you sign any contracts. 

The helpful specialists at Surpass understand the ins and outs of the industry. With this knowledge behind you, finding great gaming influencers is easy.

For more information, please visit the website.
What Should You Know About Micro Gaming Influencers?

What Should You Know About Micro Gaming Influencers?


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