Ata oner's profile

Citease Project - Young Ones

Spotify Citease Project
Young Ones

In this Project, I teamed up with my friend and a mentor from the advertising industry, Serkan Kavak, to develop a campaign for the advertisement competition named "Young Ones". We had decided to work on a brief from Spotify. Our campaign, the Citease Project was designed as an extention to the already existing app of Spotify. Our idea was to build broadcasting stations to the famous and most known cities of the world that would become available through bluetooth, or wifi connections. Those who have the app would be able to connect authomatically to these stations and they would met to variety of content that is special to that local area. If this station was in Paris, France, people would be able to listen to the local artists of paris and read audiobooks from the authors. Our goal was to provide an instant cultural experience to those who are interested.
Sample Ads For Social Media - Citease Project
Inner Face of the Spotify App - Citease Project
Print Ads For the Campaign - Citease Project
Concept Art - Citease Project
Citease Project - Young Ones


Citease Project - Young Ones
