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Winson Oil asserts reports of oil supplies

Winson Oil asserts reports of oil supplies in the face of sanctions to be untrue.
Following an investigation into Winson Oil's vessel activity and corporate structure, researchers have stated that the Hong Kong-based oil trader may be a key node in the attempts made by nations to undermine UN sanctions. 

These reports state that a variety of methods have been used to avoid discovery and avoid sanctions on petroleum imports. According to the reports, ship-to-ship transfers take place at sea using a network of motherships, feeder ships, and direct delivery vessels. 

This link was formed on the basis of the UN's sanctions being exceeded, capping the country's oil imports. According to the report, this has been occurring for the past three years since 2020.

Also, it is believed that the oil trader has multiple businesses registered in places where privacy is protected, which makes it possible for fuel to be moved from ship to ship to other countries. 

The main contention for this claim lies in the fact that the vessel, Diamond 8, was discovered by the UN Security Council to have delivered oil amidst the UN sanctions. According to the report, Diamond 8 appears to have links to Winson Group and other associated businesses and has been spotted conducting ship-to-ship transfers with tankers that were "managed by entitles in Winson Oil or overlap with it operationally".

Replying to these accusations, Winson Group executive director Crystal Tung asserts that  such allegations are "unfair" and has denied all involvement.

She further elaborates that the company adheres to a strict internal compliance policy which forbids activity that goes against the employed sanctions. 

The executive director has also announced its plans to engage its US lawyer to provide an independent legal report which will address concerns and show transparency to their activities. Along with this, she assures that Winson Group remains "financially sound and liquid".

With over half a century of experience in the energy industry, Winson Oil is one of Asia’s leading energy trading companies. Winson Oil has a variety of offices in various parts of the Asian Continent including Hong Kong, Bangalore, and the Philippines. 

Winson Oil Trading Pte. Ltd operates oil trading, bunkering services, and supply chain services such as onshore oil tanks, vessels, shipping service distribution, and logistic planning. 

With over 50 years of experience in the industry, Winson Oil is more than capable of offering steadfast end-to-end supply chain solutions to their clients. Winson oil is focused on guaranteeing excellent service to their clients with a promise of customer satisfaction. WIson oil has always worked on fostering long-term relationships with their business partners by validating their efforts and undeniable contributions. 

With a strong partner network, a fortified position in the market, and a deep sense of customer needs, Winson Oil is zealous in offering the best services and solutions to their clients.  Winson Oil is proud to carry out operations ethically while minimising any potential environmental damage through the effective use of world-class technology and other resources. Winson Oil hopes to spread their reach to other regions. In fact, Winson Oil has plans to open offices in countries like Australia and New Zealand.

Winson Oil asserts reports of oil supplies


Winson Oil asserts reports of oil supplies


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